Mike Vitale
RVT Joined the ACOC team in August 2014 Favorite thing or most inspiring part of position at ACOC: One of my favorite parts of this job is getting to make a great bond with the pets we see. So many of the animals have become almost like family to me and that makes my job very rewarding that I get to help them. I love talking to clients about... Weight Control! As a person who has had several fat cats that I have gotten to lose weight, trying to get clients to understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight is a passion of mine. It takes work and there really needs to be a clear plan. It's fun for me to discuss that with clients and share my personal stories. It's great to see clients stick with it and see the great progress. Interesting facts: One of my favorite hobbies is weightlifting. I've been involved with it for about 10 years. My big goal for this year is to deadlift 600lbs! Another interest of mine is physics. I've been reading a lot about quantum theory and relativity. It is an extremely interesting topic and really challenges my mind. If I wasn't so darned good at my job, I'd probably be..... Bored. I strive to be great at everything I do. It give me purpose, but it also makes me happy to work hard. I can't imagine coming into work and not trying to do the best that I can. If I were a superhero, my superpower would be.... Flying. I would love to be able to travel wherever I wanted. If I were an animal, I would be a.... A bear. They seem to have a pretty chill life of living in the forest and sleeping through the cold parts of the year. Plus, nothing messes with a bear. I also have a tattoo of a bear on my arm so it's kind of my spirit animal. What is your favorite ACOC core value and why? We are Passionate. I think that is what is so special about working here. Everyone truly loves what they do in this line of work, so it's great to be around people who want to work hard for the pets we take care of. It is also a great community of people to be around. We all obviously have the same interests, so we all get along really well. Talking and joking around with my co-workers is one of the favorite parts of my job. Return to Our Team |