Terri Santoro
Veterinary Technician Joined the ACOC team in April 1992 Favorite thing or most inspiring part of position at ACOC: I have always loved to be with animals and help care for them. Helping to educate people on their care is fulfilling. I love talking to clients about... Puppies! House training, crate training, leash walking and how to socialize to form that great human-animal bond. Interesting facts: I am passionate about my four legged babies! I am an outdoor person who loves to walk and explore. And I love to decorate inside and outside. If I wasn't so darned good at my job, I'd probably be..... Working at a florist or doing landscaping. If I were a superhero, my superpower would be.... Mind control. If I were an animal, I would be a.... Horse. They are strong and loving. What is your favorite ACOC core value and why? Voice. Because animals can't speak out in ways that most humans can understand. If no one wants to help them speak out many would suffer or not get what they need to stay happy and healthy. I love using my voice! Return to Our Team |